Wine Nerds was technically formed in 2022 although we didn’t launch the website and start offering services until 2024. It was the idea of a small group of individuals who were working in the wine industry in North Carolina and saw a need for wine consulting services for the regular guy and/or the small business owner. A consulting company that was a little less bougie and wanted to make good wine more approachable. The word “approachable” is used a lot and maybe somewhat overused but it really does fit for what we are seeking to accomplish. We want to help everyone enjoy good wine and have a great experience with it. The need was identified and then, fast forward 24 months while we worked out a bunch of boring business and legal details, Wine Nerds was born!

We have a long list of services and offerings that we want to provide and will be rolling these out over the next 24-36 months (the point of reference on this statement is February of 2024). So stay tuned and please sign up for updates so that we can let you know as new items are released and/or offered over time. You can also follow us on social media while we attempt to educate and inspire the world to enjoy better wine and reject mediocrity (the links for this are at the footer of every page). In the meantime, please check out,,,


The Team

The core group of people at Wine Nerds. The folks that get it all done.

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The Process

Our Process

This is what makes us different. Everything we do is individually curated but peer reviewed by experts on the team who are real people with real life wine experience.

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