Are you interested in joining our team? We are always looking for new nerds to join our team. However, before we ask about you let us tell you about us…

We are a small group of individuals who have all come to this point from various backgrounds, paths, cultures, and experiences. The one thing that everyone on the team shares in common is that we are VERY passionate about wine. Most of us have some type of credentials, either through WSET or CMS, while others have extensive industry experience/contributions. While all of our backgrounds and history may be different and unique, it is our vision forward that unites us – We all love the art of wine and want to make good wine more accessible, enjoyable, and understandable to everyone.

Now that we have told you a little about us, please tell us a little about you and why you would like to be a part of the team at Wine Nerds:

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you have a resume/CV, please upload it here (PDFs only please).

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