Persistent Pairing


The more comprehensive pairing that also comes with validation.  You tell us what you have (food) and we will pair it with a wine.  We will deliver back a more detailed list of varietals and specific labels along with an explanation of why the pairing works.  You will also receive the “Wine Nerds Badge” so that you can market the pairing as “Wine Nerds Approved!“.  This service is great for a restaurant or website that wants a 3rd party validation of their food/wine pairing.


This is a little more comprehensive than our other offerings and comes with a marketable badge or graphic that you can use to publicly, either on a website or printed material, to provide 3rd party validation of the pairing:

Wine Nerds Approved

Here is what to expect after ordering this service:

  1. You will receive an immediate order confirmation via email.
  2. Shortly after the order confirmation you will receive another email requesting the necessary details for the order (tell us about the food we are pairing).
  3. Your order will be assigned to one of our staff who will diligently work to come up with the best wine options for your pairing.
  4. This information will be reviewed internally by additional members of our staff for final approval.
  5. The approved and final recommendations will be delivered to you via email along with the approved artwork for listing this pairing as “Wine Nerds Approved”.
  6. You will receive a follow-up email to see how we did.