Your wine list should rock and there really is no excuse for it not to. No matter where you are or where your source your wine, there are plenty of good quality wines that are affordable that absolutely should be on your wine list. The only reason you might not have a good wine list is simply because you don’t know how to create one. It is impractical to assume that every small restaurant is going to have a Sommelier or wine expert on their staff and the small business owner is usually up to their ears with just running the business. Fortunately Wine Nerds can help you create an epic wine list that should increase your profits as the right food and wine offerings/pairings will typically drive more sales. If people are liking what they are eating and drinking, they will order more!

Getting Started

We offer two types services with regards to wine lists. One is for the business or restaurant that needs to create a wine list and the other is for the business or restaurant that needs to maintain a wine list. These are two distant different needs:

Creating a New Wine List…

If you don’t have an existing wine list or just need/want to start over with your wine program then this service is for you. Wine Nerds can help you start from square one and build the wine list your establishment and customers deserves. There are a lot of variables that go into the creation of a good wine list and we are not going to to promote or offer you a one size fits all wine list. Obvious variables like your menu and budget play a significant role but there are other factors to consider as well. A big factor will be the distributors that you are using as there is no sense in recommending a wine you can’t get! There are also regional considerations too as you might want to include some local wines (you actually should include some local wines!). We take all of these into consideration when recommending a wine list and will produce something that is unique to your specific needs. With all of that being said, there is not a set fee or turnaround time for new wine list development. The process would be for you to initiate a request and provide us with some initial details. We will provide you with a no-obligation quote to review before we start any work. The quote will detail what you can expect from us along with a clear price and delivery time estimate. Do you want to get started?

Maintain an Existing Wine List…

If you already have a wine list that is working for you then there is no need to recreate the wheel. This could actually be a list that Wine Nerds created for you or something another sommelier or wine expert created. It doesn’t really matter where it came from as if it is mostly working for you then we don’t need to build a new one. Let Wine Nerds maintain your wine list for you with our monthly wine director service. It would be like having your own onsite sommelier but without the full-time price tag. Our subscription service is reasonable and will keep your wine list up to date with the latest vintages and changes in the marketplace. Furthermore, it will provide you with a certified wine resource you can speak with anytime you have questions about your wine list, pairings, or really anything about wine in general. Prices start at just $250/month for this service.