Welcome to Wine Nerds!

Our first blog article on a new endeavor. What do you put for something like this other than “Welcome!”? For real…The world of wine, or more specifically wine service, is all about hospitality. Good hospitality! What could be more hospitable than just a simple welcome message. I feel that all good hospitality should start with just this. I don’t care who you are, where you are from, or what your background is but I want to welcome you to our website and this fun and exciting project we are kicking off. We have a lot of information about Wine Nerds on the website already that you can check out to get specific information about what we do and the service that we provide but there are three high level goals or objectives we hope to achieve with this endeavor and how it relates to the world of wine…


Everyone that is into wine, even if it is just the casual consumer, wants to enjoy the wine that they drink. This would be through both the quality of the wine they are drinking which, obviously, plays a big part in the enjoyment of the wine; but there is also the atmosphere or environment around it that also contributes. There are a million variables that can change how we enjoy this ancient beverage and we want to facilitate an environment where more people know and understand these variables in order to maximize their enjoyment. This could be at both the consumer and business levels. Much of this will be done through…


We feel that the more people know the better they will enjoy the overall experience of wine and, yes, it is an experience. If you think wine is simply just a beverage then congratulations on completing your first lesson with us. It is not just a simple beverage like a soda, water, milk, or orange juice. It is more. A lot more and, over time, we will educate the masses on this and a million other facts about this wonderful beverage.


Finally, we want to join the thousands of other wine professionals out there who advocate for the responsible and sensible enjoyment of wine. I mean great wine! If we happen to effect others and give them the same affinity for wine that we have and they become advocates as well, that would be great and we would be accomplishing our goal.

Lofty Goals?

I hope so. We will see where this project ends up but I am not putting any limitations on it and we will drive forward with the passion we do on everything else. If you are a certified wine professional who shares the same passion that we do and want to join our team, please contact us and let’s chat. Otherwise, all I can say at this early stage of the company is…Welcome!

I am the founder of Wine Nerds and a few other companies like Van in Black, HD Carolina (the first Carolina themed channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV) and few other service based companies located in North Carolina. I am also a musician, photographer, total wine nerd (WSET Level 3 in Wines Certified with merit and Level 1 with the Court of Master Sommeliers), computer nerd, and lover of all things cool. Most importantly, however, I am a husband, father, and very proud (newly minted) grandfather.

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